Thursday, March 4, 2010

I love me some kiddos!

My kids are awesome. I know I complain about them often bc it just seems like they are horrible and act crazy and drive me bonkers but in reality, I love them SOO very much and they are incredible little loves to me and my hubby!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Happy Birthday to My Boy!

Happy Birthday Buddy!

9 yrs ago today I was lying in a hospital bed in a tremendous amount of pain awaiting the lovely epidural, never realizing fully just how much love and joy this small boy would bring to our lives. Its been years of laughter, love, hugs, tears of joy and excitement as well as tears of frustration and disappointment. All parts of being a parent to a child.

Today he turns 9. WOW! I almost can not believe that its been a full 9 yrs since he entered this world as a tiny pink screaming bundle who I was unable to hold for the first 25 hours on this earth! He's an incredible boy. He's very smart, he's incredible at Math and English and he's a great student!

Happy Birthday my sweet boy!

We love you!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Dear Santa

Dear Santa,

We have heard that in less then 10 days you will be visiting our house. I guess we forgot that we needed to write you a letter so here goes.

Cassidy has been mostly good this year. She has tantrums and she can be loud at times. But she is a great little sister and her brother loves her very much.

Cameron has also been mostly good this year. He is working on being a better listener and less talking back when asked to do something he may not really want to do. He is a great big brother and Cassidy really enjoys playing with him.

Cassidy would like Littlest Pet Shop and Dora things for Christmas. Cameron would like Pokemon cards and some Bakugan figures if you can find any. I know they are hard to come by this time of year.

Please also bring something for daddy. He's a good daddy and he has been working so hard lately!

Thank you Santa. See you soon!!

Love, Cameron and Cassidy (The Metzger Kids)

PS: Be sure to eat the cookies we leave you on Christmas Eve. Mommy bought them from Cameron's school fundraiser and they are very yummy.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Whoever said Potty Training is easy, was WRONG!!

So Cassidy has been day trained almost since she was 3. She's 3 1/2 and we are still in diapers at night. Ahhh! I can't stand it! I'm tired of buying diapers and Cameron was so easy to train. I figured she would be the same. Man, was I wrong?!? She can go hours and hours without peeing but as soon as you get that diaper on her at night, its flood central.

Anyone have any tips on night training so we can move out of the diaper stage???

Monday, October 27, 2008

Introducing... Cameron and Cassidy

Cameron is 8 (9 in January) and so smart. He loves his Nintendo DS, riding his new bike, playing football in the backyard with the neighborhood boys, playing on the computer, Pokemom, and watching cartoons. He excels in both Math and reading even though he says he doesnt really care to read :p

Cassidy is 3 (4 in May) and very smart as well! She loves her baby dolls, learning to ride her Dora Bike, playing iwth her friends and she also loves Dora and Diego on tv. She loves to snuggle and have books read to her and she enjoys learning new things each day.

Welcome to our Blog.

Here is where Mom will blog about our day to day adventures! :) Either school related for Cameron or playgroup related for Cassidy! :)

Hope you enjoy!